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时间:2020-04-10 23:37:43 作者:黑曼巴 分类:作文素材 浏览:12


Dear Party Organization:


I am a senior student, one foot has stepped into the society. Today, I solemnly handed over 申请a book. This is the most solemn and sacred thing in my life, and it is an oath to life before I joined the Party. I have always believed that the great Communist Party of 中国is the vanguard of the workers and peasants in 中国, the steadfast representative of the interests of the people of all ethnic groups in 中国, and the leading core of 中国socialist cause. The ultimate aim of the party is to realize the communist social system. Our Party is guided by Marxism-Leninism, 毛泽东Thought and 邓小平Theory. It is the only great force to rescue the poor people from the bitter national disaster. It is the core force to wholeheartedly serve all working people and create advanced productive forces and advanced civilization.

Life value is divided into two kinds, namely, self-value and social value. Self-worth means that taking is greater than contributing, while social value means that contributing is greater than taking. In my opinion, a life that can only realize self-value is of no value. Social value is the embodiment that can truly measure a person's value. I am eager to take social value as my pursuit of life on the basis of realizing self-value. However, personal strength is weak and personal wisdom is limited. I sincerely hope that there will be an organization that serves the people to lead me and guide me in the future. This organization is our great Communist Party of 中国

As a college student and a member of the Communist Youth League, I understand that only by turning my patriotic enthusiasm into action, combining my ideal with the future and destiny of my motherland, firmly supporting the leadership of the Communist Party, keeping up with the Communist Party and making myself one of them, taking outstanding Communist Party members as my life goal, starting from myself, striving to approach advanced Communist Party members, learning from their outstanding qualities, understanding their great aspirations, and devoting my strength and passion to the masses according to the instructions of the Party, can I truly realize my aspirations, truly serve the rich country of Qiang Bing, improve the overall national strength and realize my social value.

Since its founding in 1921, our party has gone through nearly 87 glorious years of struggle. Over the past few decades, the Communist Party of 中国has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, from naive to mature, and has continued to grow. In the long-term revolutionary process, three generations of 党中央leadership groups with 毛泽东, 邓小平and xx as the core were formed successively. The glorious history of the Party is the history of the heroic struggle of the Communist Party of 中国for national liberation and people's happiness. It is the history of combining the general principles of Marxism with the concrete practice of 中国revolution and construction. It is a history of persisting in truth, correcting mistakes, overcoming all difficulties and constantly developing and strengthening. The Communist Party of 中国is worthy of being a great, glorious and correct party and is the strong core of leadership in 中国revolution and construction.

The Communist Party of 中国is a great, glorious and correct party. Only by adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of 中国can we realize socialist modernization, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the people of the whole country, ensure the socialist nature of reform and modernization, ensure a stable and united political environment for modernization, push forward the reform and opening up step by step, truly build our country into an independent, democratic and prosperous socialist country, and finally realize our lofty ideal-communism. I volunteered to join the Communist Party of 中国to study Marxism-Leninism, 毛泽东Thought, 邓小平Theory and the Party's basic line, learn science, culture and business, and constantly improve my ideological and political consciousness within the Party's organization. I will seriously use the criteria of a communist party member to demand that I serve the people heart and soul, do not seek personal gain, unswervingly implement the party's decisions, safeguard the unity and unity of the party, strictly observe party discipline, keep conservative secrets, be loyal to the party, match words with deeds, be loyal to the party, work actively, fight for communism for life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party.








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